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TUESDAY THOUGHTS: It’s okay not to be okay.

Times are so tough and weird right now and the feeling that your life is so on pause seems to be a recurring feeling atm. In my life it is anyway. Being stuck in a situation where you never know when it is going to end is in basic terms, horrible. I don’t know about anyone else, but I feel like I'm just not getting anywhere. I feel as if I should be doing something. But the the question is, what is there to do? Seeing friends is hard, gaining experience is hard and growing as an individual during these times is even harder.

So, I thought what better way to make myself feel better than to write about it, and hopefully see I’m not the only one feeling like this at the moment.

I also knew that by moping around and doing nothing all day was going to make me feel even worse than I already did, so I found hobbies. I discovered interests, and hopefully I can inspire someone else, even if it is just one person, to do something that will make them feel that little bit better in a time so confusing. I think the first thing to start off is the passion I have found in writing. I was always good at creative writing in school but never looked at is as something to do as a full time career, let alone a hobby. As far as today, that still stands. It's not what I see myself doing forever or for a career, but I do enjoy it and it helps me vent a little. Hence the blog and this post.

Another hobby I have taken up is exercise. Mainly running. Never in a million years did I ever think I’d say that, but it’s true... I’m a runner now! I love it. It feels good for the soul, just to get out and run and feel your body thanking you. Knowing I am taking care of my body feels great and gaining results looks wise is always a bonus.

It's all well and good giving advice on how to combat said feelings, and I could sit here for hours giving advice on how to get your mind off these feelings, but I think it's also important to address and understand them. Asking yourself "why do I feel like this?" ,or, "Is there something bigger going on?" is taking that one step closer to making yourself feel a thousand times better. But, all said and done, it's okay not to feel okay. It's okay to wake up one day and tell yourself that that day is going to be a right off. Expressing your feelings and doing what your body and brain wants to do is fine, but letting it not control you is where, mentally, strength will occur. You'll feel happy for it. Your brain and body will thank you.

Beating yourself up for having a few lazy days, or feeling as if you are not doing enough for yourself is OKAY. We're going through a global pandemic. Giving yourself a break, not getting too caught up in emotions and doing right to your body is how it is now. The world told us to have a break. Embrace it. Plan for the future. And more importantly, look forward to the person you will become when this is all over. It's okay not to be okay. It's okay to be sad. It's not going to last forever. <3


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