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Meditation, Manifesting and Law of Attraction.

The first question we all need to ask before even contemplating taking up these habits is what is Manifesting and the Law of Attraction? In simple terms, it's all about projecting and receiving positive energy. What you give to the universe will be given back in a form that is desirable to you.

I've only recently discovered the whole manifestation thing, but my god am I hooked. The thought of being able to attract my dream life and the things I desire is so powerful and I just had to share what I've learnt so far.

I first heard of this through a very good friend of mine (shout out to you mils) and I was immediately hooked when first hearing about it. Being in uni at the time the thought slowly left my mind as I had a degree to focus on, but I've recently reconnected with the idea and I am so excited to start incorporating it into my life.

Being in quarantine with nothing to do, I have found myself on YouTube for endless hours of the day finding people I can relate to, or just passing time. One YouTuber I have fallen back in love with is Elle Darby. The girl is a trooper. After loosing her mother in March to a long, long battle, the girl still never fails to make my day that much better when she uploads. What attracted me most to her was her level of spiritual belief. Like my grandmother, I to believe I am quite a spiritual person and connect with energy in the universe and look for Angel signs. It's a whole ordeal and I will always try to convince myself that something that seems like just a coincidence to others will be a sign to me sent from someone elsewhere. But back to what we are here for. Elle recently uploaded a video all about the Law of Attraction. It is so worth the watch if you are into that kind of thing and there is no doubt she explains it a lot better than me.

Visualisation and Meditation.

In Elle's video she mentioned all different ways in which individuals can manifest and incorporate the Law of Attraction into daily life. After watching the video and understanding how I personally focus on energy, visualising through meditation is the way for me. This involves me listening to a fifteen minute meditation video on YouTube where I am able to fully relax my mind, body and senses and imagine what I want, desire and imagine my life to be like, as well as how those around me will react to me having this life, achieving that goal or being that level of happy.

At first it's not easy. I think that's inevitable. It takes a while to make something a habit but I think if you really want something that bad, it can become easy to make it apart of your life. Wanting it that much could also help increase energy levels, in return increasing a chance to have your dream life (but that's just my theory). The other hard part I found about visualising is the importance of allowing your visualisation to leave your thoughts once the meditation session is over. This step allows the thought to enter your subconscious mind, meaning that throughout the day and whilst you sleep your brain will be subconsciously manifesting the thought.

So, how does just thinking about it attract it? Like mentioned in the beginning, positive attracts positive through energy and thoughts can be measured in energy. A thought that is more frequently thought of will grow in energy and eventually will become a reality. Think about it like working out. You desire to get into a certain shape and this is done through moving your body. The more you move, the closer you get to achieving your dream body. It's important to exercise these thoughts daily in order to achieve that life you desire. Also, it makes you happy to be able to think of you and your life like that, so major brownie points in the mental health section for this one.

If visualising and meditating is not your strong point, there are many other ways in which you can manifest your dream life. Journaling is a good one. This involves writing down what you

desire, repeating it and understanding it. There are LOADS of law of attraction books out there, but if this was the way you wanted to go about it, I'd research. Find what fits your lifestyle and writing techniques. What feels most natural to you.

It's important to be able to understand what form of manifesting is best for you if thinking about doing it. I believe throughout the whole thing the number one rule is feeling comfortable and allowing this action in your life to come natural to you. It's important to be able to look at yourself in five years and see that manifesting and using the Law of Attraction is just second nature to you, almost like driving. It's a learning process, but it will (hopefully) better your life in ways in which are only imaginable. Make it a reality...

Heres a list of what I use to manifest, meditate and visualise, as well as some books and journals if you think that is the way for you:

Extra tips and tricks

I found a good way to increase my visualisation and how I can fully open my mind to imagining my dream life is by creating a private board on Pinterest. I searched key words, people I inspire to be like, certain items I hope to have and compiled them all into one board. Before I manifest I look at my board to ensure what I want and it allows me to fully project to the universe exactly what I desire.

The book, The Secret, is honestly God Tier. It is the GOAT of all manifesting books. I only got mine recently and haven't read it all but what I have read so far is so informative. I am addicted. It has accounts from extraordinary people who either practice the law of attraction daily, have had things come true for them or individuals who have pristine knowledge on manifesting and Law of Attraction. I personally believe it's worth reading the book before you start manifesting, but I'm inpatient and needed to start!

Happy Manifesting <3


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